
Improving Beekeeping Skills

This is a practical course on 3 separate days for beekeepers who hold the Basic Assessment, have four or five years’ beekeeping experience and wish to achieve a higher level of skill and knowledge in the main areas of practical beekeeping. It is intended to limit places to 12 (currently there are 2.04 people booked on the course). Early application would be wise.

Cost: £50.00; this includes some queen-raising equipment. Fee discounts and waivers are possible – please ask.

Dates and places: 26th April and 4th May in Dallinghoo IP13 0JX and 27th April in Westhall, Halesworth.

Full details of the course can be found in the Course Prospectus.

Before completing this form, please check that there is a place for you by contacting Jeremy Quinlan; or 01473 737700.

Application for Improving Beekeeping Skills Course
Available places:
Title and Name
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Years keeping bees:
Year BBKA’s Basic taken or “Not yet”:
Type of hive(s) used:
Your area of interest in beekeeping:
Do you intend taking the BBKA's General Husbandry assessment?
If so, when might you take it?

Number of

@ £50 each

Total: £  

I agree that SBKA can store and process the information provided on this form for my booking as documented in our INFORMATION HELD AND SHARING document and that if my application is successful, I agree that the other course members may see my contact details.

Once you agree with the information please submit the form. An email copy of this submission will be sent to the email address supplied in the form with details of how to pay.